Chapter 2 calculating PTG

2.0.1 Goal: Demonstrate how to take raw canvassing data and calculate a PTG.

One of the first reports that a data team is asked to create is the Percent to Goal (hereforth referred to as PTG). A PTG report is intended to illustrate numerically how well a field team is performing. After all, the strength of a campaign comes down to two things in particular: 1) how well your team can mobilize voters on the ground, and 2) reaching potential voters through digital media. This report will focus on field performance.

Field work is primarily focused on canvassing. There are two types of canvassing that we care about.

  1. Crowd canvassing: walking around and engaging voters in the public space (i.e. talking to people at a farmers market)
  2. Door-to-door canvassing: knocking directly on voters’ doors to discuss candidates, polling locations, etc.

This article from Masterclass does a solid job of describing canvassing.

This chapter will walk you through analyzing crowd canvassing data. Crowd canvassing is usually done through the use of pledge cards. Pledge cards explicitly ask voters to commit to voting, their reasons for voting for a specific candidates (usually issue based to gather further targeting information), and often have an optional field to indicate whether or not they will volunteer.

Additionally, field territory is often split up into regions. Each region has their own goals to meet (usually based on voter population) for the number of people pledged to vote and volunteer. This report will see how far along each region is by week to their goal.

The packages that will be used in this chapter are:

  • readr: Reading data (imported in the tidyverse)
  • dplyr: Manipulating datta (imported in the tidyverse)
  • ggplot2: Visualizing data (imported in the tidyverse)
  • lubridate: Managing dates

Skills that will be covered:

  • Reading data
  • Joining tables
  • Aggregating data
  • Visualizing data

This assumes that you have an understanding of dplyr and ggplot2.

In this exercise we will use three datasets (located in the data folder).

  • canvassing_results.csv: canvassing results from January to March
  • van_turf_lookup.csv: dataset containing the region codes for each van user
  • goals.csv: dataset containing the weekly pledge card goal


  • Read in canvassing results
  • Read in turf code look up table
  • Create new week variable
  • Aggregate on the weekly level
  • Read in goals
  • Calculate PTG

2.1 Exercise

## ── Attaching packages ──────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.2.1 ──
## ✔ ggplot2 3.2.1     ✔ purrr   0.3.2
## ✔ tibble  2.1.3     ✔ dplyr   0.8.3
## ✔ tidyr   1.0.0     ✔ stringr 1.4.0
## ✔ readr   1.3.1     ✔ forcats 0.4.0
## ── Conflicts ─────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
## ✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
## ✖ dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()
## Attaching package: 'lubridate'
## The following object is masked from 'package:base':
##     date
canvass <- read_csv("data/canvassing_results.csv")
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
##   van_id = col_double(),
##   date = col_date(format = ""),
##   vol_yes = col_double()
## )
## # A tibble: 6,671 x 3
##    van_id date       vol_yes
##     <dbl> <date>       <dbl>
##  1      1 2019-03-15       1
##  2      2 2019-01-30       1
##  3      3 2019-02-27       0
##  4      4 2019-02-21       0
##  5      5 2019-01-13       0
##  6      6 2019-01-29       0
##  7      7 2019-01-07       0
##  8      8 2019-02-15       0
##  9      9 2019-01-30       0
## 10     10 2019-03-06       0
## # … with 6,661 more rows

I always briefly inspect my data using the count() function. Let’s count the number of individuals who marked volunteer yes.

count(canvass, vol_yes)
## # A tibble: 2 x 2
##   vol_yes     n
##     <dbl> <int>
## 1       0  4617
## 2       1  2054

That is a lot of volunteers! They will go into the volunter recruitment and management pipeline and hopefully convert into some volunteer shifts. But which region are these potential volunteers in? To figure this out we will have to read in the van_turf_lookup.csv dataset.

turf_lookup <- read_csv("data/van_turf_lookup.csv")
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
##   van_id = col_double(),
##   turf_code = col_character()
## )
## # A tibble: 6,004 x 2
##    van_id turf_code
##     <dbl> <chr>    
##  1      1 B        
##  2      2 E        
##  3      3 E        
##  4      4 B        
##  5      5 C        
##  6      6 E        
##  7      7 B        
##  8      8 C        
##  9      9 D        
## 10     10 A        
## # … with 5,994 more rows

Here we see that there are only two variables, van_id, and turf_code. This is a very common structure in relational data architectures. Because this table and the canvass table both share the van_id column we can merge the who based on this. This is referred to as a “common identifier”. The operation of joining two tables together is called a join.

For more on joins and relational data please read chapter 13 of R for Data Science by Hadley Wickham.

left_join(canvass, turf_lookup, by = "van_id") 
## # A tibble: 6,671 x 4
##    van_id date       vol_yes turf_code
##     <dbl> <date>       <dbl> <chr>    
##  1      1 2019-03-15       1 B        
##  2      2 2019-01-30       1 E        
##  3      3 2019-02-27       0 E        
##  4      4 2019-02-21       0 B        
##  5      5 2019-01-13       0 C        
##  6      6 2019-01-29       0 E        
##  7      7 2019-01-07       0 B        
##  8      8 2019-02-15       0 C        
##  9      9 2019-01-30       0 D        
## 10     10 2019-03-06       0 A        
## # … with 6,661 more rows

This table provides the turf codes for each van_id, but we still do not have the week that each observation belongs to.We are interested in the weekly pledge card goal so it is important to extract the calendar week from the date field. We will use the function lubridate::week() to do this. Your campaign may use different ways to measure weeks, and this may require some additional finagling on your end.

We will pipe the resultant table from the join into a mutate call where we will create this new variable and save it to an object called canvass_clean.

canvass_clean <- left_join(canvass, turf_lookup, by = "van_id") %>% 
  mutate(week = week(date))

## # A tibble: 6,671 x 5
##    van_id date       vol_yes turf_code  week
##     <dbl> <date>       <dbl> <chr>     <dbl>
##  1      1 2019-03-15       1 B            11
##  2      2 2019-01-30       1 E             5
##  3      3 2019-02-27       0 E             9
##  4      4 2019-02-21       0 B             8
##  5      5 2019-01-13       0 C             2
##  6      6 2019-01-29       0 E             5
##  7      7 2019-01-07       0 B             1
##  8      8 2019-02-15       0 C             7
##  9      9 2019-01-30       0 D             5
## 10     10 2019-03-06       0 A            10
## # … with 6,661 more rows

We can use count() again to explore the pledge cards by region and week. We can add unquoted column names as arguments to count() which will be used to group the data.

count(canvass_clean, turf_code)
## # A tibble: 6 x 2
##   turf_code     n
##   <chr>     <int>
## 1 A          1137
## 2 B          1101
## 3 C          1159
## 4 D          1114
## 5 E          1044
## 6 F          1116
count(canvass_clean, week)
## # A tibble: 11 x 2
##     week     n
##    <dbl> <int>
##  1     1   651
##  2     2   629
##  3     3   552
##  4     4   637
##  5     5   607
##  6     6   614
##  7     7   617
##  8     8   643
##  9     9   641
## 10    10   640
## 11    11   440
count(canvass_clean, turf_code, week)
## # A tibble: 66 x 3
##    turf_code  week     n
##    <chr>     <dbl> <int>
##  1 A             1   114
##  2 A             2   109
##  3 A             3    96
##  4 A             4   121
##  5 A             5    95
##  6 A             6    99
##  7 A             7    78
##  8 A             8   111
##  9 A             9   119
## 10 A            10   119
## # … with 56 more rows

Though these counts (you may be more familiar with the phrase cross-tabs) are extremely useful, we still want to know the number of volunteers pledged. For more control over the aggregate measures, we will use dplyr::group_by() and dplyr::summarise() (for more see chapter 5.6 in R for Data Science).

We will create a new table called weekly_canvass which is grouped by turf code and week. This table will have a column for turf_code, week, the number of people pledged to vote n_pledged, and the number of people who indicated they would volunteer vol_yes.

weekly_canvass <- canvass_clean %>% 
  group_by(turf_code, week) %>% 
  summarise(n_pledged = n(),
            vol_yes = sum(vol_yes))

## # A tibble: 66 x 4
## # Groups:   turf_code [6]
##    turf_code  week n_pledged vol_yes
##    <chr>     <dbl>     <int>   <dbl>
##  1 A             1       114      41
##  2 A             2       109      28
##  3 A             3        96      33
##  4 A             4       121      34
##  5 A             5        95      32
##  6 A             6        99      29
##  7 A             7        78      28
##  8 A             8       111      29
##  9 A             9       119      34
## 10 A            10       119      27
## # … with 56 more rows

Now that we have our counts of pledges and volunteers by week and turf code we need to compare this to their weekly goal. The weekly goals are in goals.csv.

goals <- read_csv("data/goals.csv")
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
##   week = col_double(),
##   region = col_character(),
##   goal = col_double()
## )
## # A tibble: 312 x 3
##     week region  goal
##    <dbl> <chr>  <dbl>
##  1     1 A        120
##  2     1 B        130
##  3     1 C         70
##  4     1 D        120
##  5     1 E         90
##  6     1 F        130
##  7     2 A        110
##  8     2 B         90
##  9     2 C        130
## 10     2 D         70
## # … with 302 more rows

Again, this data will need to be joined. What is unique here though is that there is not a single common identifier column. We will need to join on two columns. Namely, region (turf code), and week. Notice that we have mismatched names. To perform a join in this scenario we will need to provide a named vector to the by argument (more on named vectors in chapter 20.4.4 in R for Data Science). The name of the vector element is the column name in the left hand table and the value is the name of the column in the right hand table.

In our case, the left hand table is weekly_canvass which has the column name turf_code. The right hand table is goals which has the column name region. To match on this we have to provide the named vector c("turf_code" = "region). Since the second column we are matching on is week which is present in both tables, this element does not have to be named. Thus the vector we will use is c("turf_code" = "region", "week").

left_join(weekly_canvass, goals, by = c("turf_code" = "region", "week"))
## # A tibble: 66 x 5
## # Groups:   turf_code [6]
##    turf_code  week n_pledged vol_yes  goal
##    <chr>     <dbl>     <int>   <dbl> <dbl>
##  1 A             1       114      41   120
##  2 A             2       109      28   110
##  3 A             3        96      33    60
##  4 A             4       121      34    60
##  5 A             5        95      32    90
##  6 A             6        99      29   120
##  7 A             7        78      28   110
##  8 A             8       111      29   130
##  9 A             9       119      34   130
## 10 A            10       119      27   130
## # … with 56 more rows

With this join we see that we have the goal and the actual number pledged. We’re one step away from calculating the PTG! To calculate the percent we need to divide the actual number by the goal and multiply by 100. We will do this within a mutate call after we join and save this to a new object ptg.

ptg <- left_join(weekly_canvass, goals, by = c("turf_code" = "region", "week")) %>% 
  mutate(ptg = (n_pledged / goal) * 100)

## # A tibble: 66 x 6
## # Groups:   turf_code [6]
##    turf_code  week n_pledged vol_yes  goal   ptg
##    <chr>     <dbl>     <int>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
##  1 A             1       114      41   120  95  
##  2 A             2       109      28   110  99.1
##  3 A             3        96      33    60 160  
##  4 A             4       121      34    60 202. 
##  5 A             5        95      32    90 106. 
##  6 A             6        99      29   120  82.5
##  7 A             7        78      28   110  70.9
##  8 A             8       111      29   130  85.4
##  9 A             9       119      34   130  91.5
## 10 A            10       119      27   130  91.5
## # … with 56 more rows
ptg %>% 
  ggplot(aes(week, ptg, color = turf_code)) + 
  geom_point() +
  geom_line() +
  theme_minimal() +
  facet_wrap(~turf_code) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 100, lty = 2) +
    panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
    panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank(),
    legend.position = "bottom"
  ) +
  labs(title = "PTG by Turf Code", 
       x = "Week", y = "%")

While having a table and chart for weekly PTG is extremely useful, it is important to provide a PTG metric for the entire program.

To do this we will need to calculate an aggregate measure from the goals table and join this to an aggregated canvass table. We will start by aggregating the goals and creating a total_goals object. Note that in the code chunk below I rename the region column in the group_by() statement this will be useful in the future so we can avoid having to use a named vector in our join.

total_goals <- goals %>% 
  group_by(turf_code = region) %>% 
  summarise(goal = sum(goal))

## # A tibble: 6 x 2
##   turf_code  goal
##   <chr>     <dbl>
## 1 A          4390
## 2 B          4530
## 3 C          4470
## 4 D          4350
## 5 E          4640
## 6 F          4720

Now that we have total_goals we need to know the total number of pledges each region has gathered. We will use the existing canvass_clean object and count the total number or pledges using count().

total_pledges <- count(canvass_clean, turf_code)
## # A tibble: 6 x 2
##   turf_code     n
##   <chr>     <int>
## 1 A          1137
## 2 B          1101
## 3 C          1159
## 4 D          1114
## 5 E          1044
## 6 F          1116

Now we can join these two tables together and calculate a program wide PTG.

total_ptg <- inner_join(total_pledges, total_goals, by = "turf_code") %>% 
  mutate(ptg = n / goal * 100)
## # A tibble: 6 x 4
##   turf_code     n  goal   ptg
##   <chr>     <int> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 A          1137  4390  25.9
## 2 B          1101  4530  24.3
## 3 C          1159  4470  25.9
## 4 D          1114  4350  25.6
## 5 E          1044  4640  22.5
## 6 F          1116  4720  23.6

Everyone loves a bar chart to visually understand their data.

total_ptg %>% 
  mutate(turf_code = fct_rev(turf_code)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(turf_code, ptg)) +
  geom_col() +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 100, lty = 2) +
  coord_flip() +
  labs(title = "Cumulative PTG") +
  theme_minimal() +
    panel.grid.major.x = element_blank()

To Do:

  1. Turn into a report
  2. turn into parameterized report
  3. emailing with gmailr
  4. hosting and scheduling with connect